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学長 内藤 二郎



2021年度における授業につきましては、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策に十分な配慮を行った上で、原則として対面授業とすることといたします。対面授業実施に際しては、各教室内で十分な社会的距離を取り得る受講者数を想定し、受講者数が多い場合など教室内での感染予防がとりにくい授業は遠隔授業とするなどの配慮を継続いたします。授業の実施方法は、(1)対面式(抽選あり・なし)、(2)ハイブリッド式(対面と遠隔のコンビネーション)、(3)遠隔方式(同時双方向性、またはオンデマンド)となります。詳細は、2021年2月22日付にて本学ホームページ等でお知らせしました「大東文化大学 2021年度の対面授業実施について」をご確認ください。




平日(月~金) 9:00~11:20、12:20~17:00
土曜日 9:00~12:00


平日(月~金)9:00~20:30 土曜日 9:00~16:30

















※アプリのインストール方法 ⇒ 厚生労働省のCOCOAのページ
















※連絡先 板橋キャンパス : 保健室03-5399-7318 学生相談室03-5399-7398
東松山キャンパス : 保健室0493-31-1510 学生相談室0493-31-1639


・板橋キャンパス : 多目的ホール、1号館3階301教室
・東松山キャンパス : 5号館Mフロント、Mホール、3号館食堂






今後のキャリアセンター、教職課程センターによる活動や取り組みに関しては、それぞれのページをご確認ください。【 キャリアセンター ・ 教職課程センター





































Policies and measures in response to COVID-19 for the 2021 academic year


Daito Bunka University
Jiro Naito, President


       With the start of the 2021 academic year, we have revised our [Basic Policies]. ([Guidelines for faculty members] are here.)
     The policies will be updated and revised depending on the circumstances surrounding infection. Please continue to check the university’s website for updates.



1. Class policies for the 2021 academic year
As a general rule, classes will be held face-to-face in the 2021 academic year with full consideration given to measures aimed to prevent transmission of the novel coronavirus. In conducting face-to-face classes, we will estimate how many students can be accommodated in a single classroom in such a way that sufficient social distancing is maintained. We will continue to offer classes remotely if there are too many students and infection control may be difficult. Therefore, classes will be conducted in the following formats: (1) face-to-face classes (with or without a lottery), (2) hybrid classes (a combination of face-to-face and remote classes), and (3) remote classes (synchronous or on-demand). For details, please refer to “On Face-to-Face Classes at Daito Bunka University in the 2021 Academic Year,” which was posted on our website on February 22, 2021.


2. Use of school facilities
With the implementation of face-to-face classes in the 2021 academic year, we will strive to prevent infection so that students will be able to use university facilities in a safe environment. After ensuring that users adhere to the guidelines regarding entrance to university premises, the use of facilities will be permitted as follows.


(1) Administrative offices
The operating hours of the administrative offices in the 2021 academic year are as follows:
Weekdays (Monday-Friday) 9:00-11:20, 12:20-17:00
Saturday 9:00-12:00
Staff members will wear masks to prevent infection. Please note that this may make it difficult for them to speak clearly.
In order to prevent infection, each office will continue to receive inquiries and provide consultations by telephone, email, and Zoom (some departments) without face-to-face meetings. For inquiries or   consultations that do not require face-to-face meetings, please use these services as much as possible.


(2) Libraries
The details regarding the opening hours and the use of the libraries are as follows:
Weekday (Monday-Friday) 9:00-20:30  Saturday 9:00-16:30
Please check the Library page for details regarding the target users and available services, among other important pieces of information.


(3) PC rooms
PC rooms, in addition to being used for face-to-face classes, can also be used by individual students under certain conditions. Be sure to check the Gakuen Information Technology Center page for details regarding how to use the rooms.


(4) Cafeteria, shops, and bookstore
We will limit the number of seats, secure distancing between seats, install vinyl seats around cash registers, secure distancing between people as they stand in line, and take other steps to prevent infection.
In the cafeteria, please refrain from talking while eating (do not speak with your mask removed) and help to reduce congestion by moving quickly when you finish eating.


(5) Exercise facilities (gymnasium, athletic field, etc.)
In addition to face-to-face classes, these facilities can be used for extracurricular activities under certain conditions.
For use in extracurricular activities, please contact the Sports Promotion Center.


(6) Use of classrooms
In addition to face-to-face classes, classrooms can be used for extracurricular activities under certain conditions.
Contact the Student Support Center for use in extracurricular activities.
When using classrooms for other school events, apply to the Novel Coronavirus Emergency Response Headquarters (hereafter “Emergency Headquarters”) through the Academic Affairs Section.


(7) Procedure for entrance to university premises and use of the facilities
For individuals and organizations affiliated with Daito Bunka University (hereafter called ‘members’), the procedure for using facilities at school events will remain unchanged. When considering the use of facilities, apply to the Emergency Headquarters through the Academic Affairs Section. The use of facilities by non-members will be suspended for the time being.


(8) Issuance of certificates
For the issuance of certificates, please make a request through postal mail or use the certificate-issuance machine on campus. Refer to the Certificate Issuance page for details regarding the operation schedule of the certificate-issuance machine and the application procedure.


3. Measures to prevent infection at the university
We will make every effort to prevent infection by ensuring that those who enter the university and use our facilities are aware of the entrance guidelines, and we urge people to thoroughly comply with them. We will also refer to guidelines provided by government agencies and local public health centers.


(1) Requests for those who are entering university premises
・All individuals (students, faculty members, and other staff members) must comply with the entrance guidelines, fulfill the entrance requirements, and observe the basic principles.
・Please inform visitors, such as vendors, that they are requested to comply with the entrance guidelines. With regard to the entrance of vendors, the corresponding departments are requested to obtain the vendors’ information (name, entrance time, etc.).
・We recommend that all those who enter university premises install the COVID-19 Contact-Conforming Application (COCOA).
 *How to install the app ⇒ COCOA website of the MHLW
・Be sure to wear a mask inside the university (take your used mask home; do not throw it away).
・Wash your hands frequently to ensure hygiene.
・Avoid the three Cs (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact). When staying in a classroom, ventilate the room frequently.
・Be sure to bring your student ID card or employee ID card when entering university premises.
・When riding a school bus, wear a mask. Speaking is prohibited while riding, boarding, or exiting.
・In the cafeteria, refrain from talking when eating or drinking (do not speak with your mask removed). If you need to talk, please do so with a mask on after eating or drinking.
・Keep a distance while waiting in line for the cashier at the cafeteria or the shops. Make sure to wear a mask and refrain from talking.
・If you have a body temperature of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, or a temperature that is 1 degree higher than your normal temperature, please go home immediately. 


(2) Measures to prevent infection in classrooms
・We will apply an antiviral coating to each classroom to deactivate the virus, thereby preventing the growth of the virus in the room, as well as on desks and chairs.
・As a general rule, face-to-face classes will be held at half the normal capacity or less.
・We will take measures to secure a minimum distance of 2m from the instructor. For example, the first row will be left vacant.
・To prevent droplet infection, both instructors and students will be asked to wear masks.
・We will attach numbers to the desks in each classroom. Please report the number assigned to the desk that you have used for each class.
・Please open the windows and doors to ventilate the room during a break or a class session to the extent that learning is not hindered.
・To encourage ventilation during a class session, we will play chimes during each class at both the Higashi-Matsuyama and Itabashi Campuses. When a chime is played, please help ventilate by opening the windows.
・At the start of a class session, we may take your body temperature with a thermometer brought by the instructor.


 (3) Daily cleaning
・When cleaning each morning, we will disinfect shared sections such as service counters.
・Door knobs and other objects that are frequently touched by many unspecified people are disinfected several times a day.


 (4) Offices and conference rooms
・As much as possible, we will hang up vinyl curtains (and other materials) to block droplets at counters where administrative work is carried out and consultations are provided.
・We will place vinyl sheets and partitions in offices for areas where droplet prevention is required, such as areas where personnel are seated face-to-face with each other.
・We will place disinfecting alcohol in areas where many unspecified people visit, such as meeting spaces and counters in offices or conference rooms, so that they can use it to disinfect the area.


 (5) School bus
・We will apply an antiviral coating inside the vehicle to deactivate the virus, thereby preventing the virus from growing on seats and handrails.
・A crew member will give an alert (announcement) to prevent infection when boarding.
・Please make sure to wear a mask when boarding and exiting.
・Please do not talk while riding, boarding, or exiting.
・Students who can walk to campus are encouraged to do so when the bus is crowded (the Itabashi Campus).
・The inside of the bus will be disinfected with disinfectant solution during the waiting time in the parking lot (about five times a day).
・We will supervise the health conditions of the crew and guides.


 (6) Cafeteria and shops
・We will apply an antiviral coating to the cafeteria to deactivate the virus, thereby preventing the virus from spreading to tables and chairs.
・For face-to-face purchases and payments (at cash registers), vinyl curtains (and other materials) will be installed as much as possible to block droplets.
・Since congestion is anticipated at the ticket vending machine and the checkout counter, we encourage people to keep a distance of 1m or more when standing in line.
・We will arrange tables and chairs to avoid face-to-face eating, drinking, and conversation.
・We will supervise the health of the cafeteria staff.


 (7) Entering university premises
・We will create a temperature-check area at each campus to check the body temperature of those entering the premises.
・We will open two gates at the Itabashi Campus: the main gate and the North Temperature Checkpoint (the post office gate). When you enter, please pass through the temperature-check area of either gate and undergo a check.
・The Higashi-Matsuyama Campus has two temperature-check areas: the M Front (the second floor of the No. 5 Building) and the side corridor of the gymnasium.
・We will perform a thermo-camera temperature test. If your temperature is 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, we will repeat the test. Depending on the result, you may not be allowed to enter.
・If you are prohibited from entering, please go home as soon as possible.


 (8) Other
・We will conduct an awareness campaign through the website, the DB portal, on-campus broadcasting, and digital signage (the Higashi-Matsuyama Campus only) to thoroughly implement the entrance guidelines and raise people’s awareness regarding daily life.
・When you use the administrative offices, classrooms, the library, or other facilities within the university, we may take your body temperature using a non-contact thermometer.


4. Various assistance programs for students
In order to respond to students’ concerns and problems, we have been providing a variety of support measures, including financial support. We will continue to support students so that they can continue their studies with peace of mind and lead fulfilling student lives.
Please consider using the government’s new scholarship program for low income families, as well as programs that are unique to the university, including the “special school support fund” and “interest subsidies for education loans” (detailed information can be found on the website and on the DB portal), as necessary. School physicians (mainly mental health doctors), nurses, and counselors will provide consultations to respond to various concerns and problems related to students’ minds and bodies, such as student life and online classes, amid the pandemic.
*Contact: Itabashi Campus: Health Room 03-5399-7318 Student Counseling Room 03-5399-7398 Higashi-Matsuyama Campus: Health Room 0493-31-1510 Student Counseling Room 0493-31-1639


5. Wi-Fi enhancement
We will create certain areas at both the Itabashi Campus and the Higashi-Matsuyama Campus where Wi-Fi is enhanced. Use the following Wi-Fi enhancement areas when you take online classes within the university between face-to-face classes:
・Itabashi Campus: Multi-purpose hall, Room 301 on the first floor of Building 1
・Higashi-Matsuyama Campus: No. 5 Hall M Front, M Hall, Building No. 3 cafeteria
*By the end of the 2021 academic year, we plan to further improve our Wi-Fi access by reinforcing
 the university’s backbone network.


6. Policies for extracurricular activities
We will continue to monitor the infection situation and make appropriate decisions with regard to activity criteria. For details, please check with the Sports Promotion Center or the Student Support Center. If you wish to carry out activities outside regular class hours for seminars, you will be allowed to do so by submitting a notice to the administrative office of your academic department.


7. Information on study abroad
As a general rule, in the 2021 academic year, you will not be able to study abroad or study languages in countries or regions where an infectious disease warning of Level 2 or above has been issued.
However, we accept questions and consultations regarding study abroad, as needed. If you are interested in studying abroad, please contact the International Center.


8. Career support for those seeking to become schoolteachers
In the 2021 academic year, we will continue to receive inquiries and requests for consultations by telephone, email, and Zoom. Please refer to the respective pages for future activities and initiatives by the Career Center and the Center for Teacher Development and Educational Research. [Career Center/Center for Teacher Development and Educational Research]


[Response measures]


1. Actions to take when you feel sick
(1) Students
1) Create a health status report and send it to the university (the Health Room) by email.
2) Stay home until seven days have passed since the onset (the day of onset is the first day) and two days have passed since the symptoms dissipated. Refrain from going out unless necessary. and fill out the self-health management form.
3) Before returning to school, submit the self-health management form and the absence notification form to the university, and obtain confirmation from the Health Room.

(2) Faculty members
1) Contact your supervisor immediately and report your condition.
2) Stay home until seven days have passed since the onset (the day of onset is the first day) and two days have passed since the symptoms dissipated. Refrain from going out unless necessary, and fill out the self-health management form.
3) Before resuming work, submit the self-health management form to Gakuen and obtain confirmation from the Health Room.


2. Notification in the even that you are infected
(1) Students
1) Create a health status report and send it to the university (the Health Room) by email.
2) Receive treatment at a hospital or at home until 10 days have passed since the onset (a day after the day of onset is the first day) and 72 hours have passed since the symptoms dissipated.
Fill out the self-health management form as much as possible.
3) Keep the documents issued by the medical institution (receipts, medical statements, discharge certificates, test results, etc.).
4) Before returning to school, submit the self-health management form, the absence notification form, and the 3 documents (photos are acceptable), and obtain confirmation from the Health Room.


(2) Faculty members
1) Contact your supervisor immediately and report your condition.
2) Receive treatment at a hospital or at home until 10 days have passed since the onset (a day after the day of onset is the first day) and 72 hours have passed since the symptoms dissipated. Fill out the self-health management form as much as possible.
3) Keep the documents issued by the medical institution (receipts, medical statements, discharge certificates, test results, etc.).
4) Before resuming work, submit the self-health management form and the 3 documents (photos are acceptable), and obtain confirmation from the Health Room.


3. Notification in the event that you are found to have been in close contact with an infected person
(1) Students
1) Create a health status report and send it to the university (the Health Room) by email.
2) Stay home. In principle, do not go out until 14 days have passed since you last had contact with a person who tested positive. Fill out the self-health management form.
3) Before returning to school, submit the self-health management form and the absence notification form to the university, and obtain confirmation from the Health Room.

 (2) Faculty members
1) Contact your supervisor immediately and report your condition.
2) Stay home. In principle, do not go out until 14 days have passed since you last had contact with a person who tested positive. Fill out the self-health management form.
3) Before resuming work, submit the self-health management form the university, and obtain confirmation from the Health Room.


4. Measures to take when someone is infected
When students, faculty members, or others are infected, we will share necessary information while respecting their human rights and giving careful consideration regarding the handling of personal information.


(1) When students or faculty members are infected outside the university (if they did not enter university premises for a certain period of time before or after the onset of the disease)
1) We will check the condition of the infected persons, the route of infection, and their activities inside and outside the university.
2) We will ensure that they did not enter the university immediately before or after the onset of the disease and that there is no need for disinfection.
3) We will confirm whether they were in contact with people at the university (students, faculty members, etc.) immediately before and after the onset of the disease.
4) If it turns out that the infected persons were in contact with people at the university, we will reach out to these people, explain the situation, and confirm whether they have any symptoms.
  We will ask them to act prudently and stay home if necessary.
5) As for those found to have been in close contact with infected persons, we will ask them to comply with instructions from the health center and to take action in accordance with “3. Notification in the event that you are found to have been in close contact with an infected person.”
6) We will provide information regarding the matter and alert students, faculty members, and other people at the university while giving careful consideration concerning the handling of personal information.
7) We will report the matter to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) using a designated form.
8) After giving careful consideration regarding the handling of personal information, we will make decisions concerning the posting of information on our website for dissemination outside the university.


(2) When students or faculty members who have entered university premises are found to be infected
1) We will check the condition of the infected persons, the route of infection, and their activities inside and outside the university.
2) If they have entered university premises, we will identify the location where they carried out their activities and take necessary measures, such as disinfection by a specialist. However, if the area of contamination or the possibility of contamination is minor, someone within the university may perform the disinfection work.
  3) Depending on the activities of the infected persons, we may consider temporarily closing certain facilities or locations.
  4) If it turns out that the infected persons were in contact with people at the university, we will reach out to these people, explain the situation, and confirm whether they have any symptoms. We will ask them to act prudently and to stay home if necessary.
  5) We will confirm and reach out to students and faculty members who were in close contact with the infected persons, and ask them to follow the instructions of the health center, and to take action in accordance with “3. Notification in the event that you are found to have been in close contact with an infected person.”
  6) The procedures described in 1), 2), 3), and 4) will be taken in accordance with the instructions or advice from professional organizations such as the public health center, as well as from individual experts.
  7) We will provide information regarding the matter and alert students, faculty members, and other people at the university while giving careful consideration concerning the handling of personal information.
  8) We will report the matter to MEXT using a designated form.
  9) After giving careful consideration regarding the handling of personal information, we will make decisions concerning the posting of information on our website for dissemination outside the university.


(3) If a mass infection occurs within the university (if there is a possibility or risk of mass infection)
1) We will check the condition of the infected persons, the route of infection, and their activities inside and outside the university.
2) If they have entered university premises, we will identify the location where they carried out their activities and take necessary measures, such as the thorough disinfection of facilities and equipment, and the temporary blockage of certain facilities and areas.
3) We will confirm and reach out to students and faculty members who were in close contact with the infected persons, and ask them to follow the instructions of the health center, and to take action in accordance with “3. Notification in the event that you are found to have been in close contact with an infected person.”
4) The procedures described in 1), 2), 3), and 4) will be taken in accordance with the instructions or advice from professional organizations such as the public health center, as well as from individual experts.
5) We will provide information regarding the matter and alert students, faculty members, and other people at the university while giving careful consideration concerning the handling of personal information.
6) We will report the matter to MEXT using a designated form.
7) After giving careful consideration regarding the handling of personal information, we will make decisions concerning the posting of information on our website for dissemination outside the university.
8) For inquiries from the media and those outside the university, we will centralize our response and address these inquiries in an organized way.
