日本語未習得児童・生徒のための通訳 募集中(随時)
鶴ヶ島市の小・中学校(東上線 若葉駅 近辺)では、日本に来たばかりの児童・生徒のための通訳を探しています。
In Tsurugashima City (near Wakaba Station on the Tojo Line), they are looking for interpreters for elementary and junior high schools students who have just arrived in Japan.
■申込締切: 随時 At any time
You can register your language and level of ability to interpret with Tsurugashima City Board of Education, and they will contact you when needed.
Currently in particular Urdu and Hindi speakers are needed.
The reward is 3,000 yen per day (including transportation and insurance), generally for 3 hours per day, 3 days per week.
■主催: 鶴ヶ島市役所 Tsurugashima City Board of Education
■参加方法: 国際交流センターに登録用紙がありますので、興味のあるかたは国際交流センターにお越しください。
Registration forms are available at the International Center, so if you are interested, please come to the International Center.
国際交流センター International Center